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Double the Recipe

When you have a good recipe but want to feed more people, you simply double the recipe. Preston Christian Church has a great recipe! We believe that it is the one laid out for us in Scripture. Our leadership structure and ministry teams are in place and they are designed to accomplish what Christ has ordained us to do. This recipe contains ingredients like worship, evangelism, service, teaching, and fellowship. The recipe is divine! The ingredients are top notch! But there are so many mouths to feed. That is why we are seeking to "double the recipe"! But, doubling the recipe takes double the space.

At the 2018 annual meeting a couple of our young men stood up and said what many at PCC were thinking:  "We are approaching capacity and it may be time to build."


Since that day we have put together a building committee, surveyed the congregation, investigated building costs and designs, and finally, after much prayer and may meetings, put together a blueprint for moving the project forward.


Making this new space a reality will require commitment and sacrificial giving from all members and friends of PCC. But, by this giving, we can bless our families and communities for generations to come.


We believe that doubling our recipe will feed many, many people who hunger for the bread of life we have found.

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